Money Misconceptions: How to Properly Interpret Commonly Misunderstood Financial Phrases

Money Misconceptions: How to Properly Interpret Commonly Misunderstood Financial Phrases

You probably have a savings or checking account, but unless you've started a business or have entered a major financial venture, most of your bank transactions have likely been as simple as making payments, deposits and withdrawals. (No need for the suit-and-briefcase combo you see in the movies) Sounds simple enough, right? But if you think credit cards are no different, and you can't seem to set your finances straight, you might want to double check if you're understanding things correctly.

Start by familiarizing yourself with these commonly used (but frequently misunderstood) financial phrases. Not only will learning what they really mean help you manage your finances better, the proper info can also save you from unwanted debt.

Money Misconceptions: How to Properly Interpret Commonly Misunderstood Financial Phrases

Ready for your next step? Now that you know how spending limits and balance transfers really work, call your credit card provider to get an update on the latest deals and promos—just be sure to get all the details and clarify what they entail. Remember, no one expects you to know everything, so don't be embarrassed if you have questions—that's what hotlines are for.

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Citibank, N.A. Philippine Branch is supervised by Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas with telephone number (632) 8708-7087.
